Live SSTV Cam from W7BSB, CN85qn

January 2021 update: if you notice things looking better, that's because I'm now running a Yaesu FTdx-1200. It's leaps and bounds over the ol' FT-900 which will be put to mobile use. I'll be building a new receive antenna over the next couple weeks. Thanks for tuning in!
Summer 2020 - I'm just getting started with SSTV and trying to figure it all out. I use an ol' Yaesu FT-900 with USB soundcard adapter from and a multiband fan dipole with a center height of about 30 feet. I'd say nothing about my setup is what one would call "ideal." It's a compromise for living in the city. There is a pretty constant S7+ noise level on 20 meters.
Some from the past